  • 更新时间:2024-09-28 01:26:59
  • 网站建设
  • 发布时间:1年前
  • 419


技术革新带动了设计行业的快速发展,使设计者和开发者有了更广阔的天地探索。网站设计也越来越不循规蹈矩,很多团队和公司都做了很多思考和想法。所以当我们在迎接现代设计潮流的同时,也可以看看现阶段网页设计的总体趋势和风格。这是我不敢无耻的网页设计趋势,一些小总结这只是我对当前网页设计所做的。希望和分类能给你更多的想法和想法。1.全屏网页设计(Full Screen Design)


设计不打散,近年平面设计中“纯”“留白”的概念也被互联网设计借鉴,为了突出主体更简洁,感官感知更舒适,很多网站开始采用全画面网页设计,采用精心挑选的精美背景设计,加上合理的页面布局,强调视觉冲击力,可以很好地吸引受众眼球。通常页面内的文字内容并没有多少特别之处(少量的字符出现在一起会变得更吸引人),主要以图片展示为主。像这样的网站多用于个人摄影团队或作品展示。虽然简单养眼,但在信息轴承有限公司的主页上却很难找到这样的设计。2.响应式网页设计(Responsive Web Design)


Now more and more users have a variety of terminal: desktop, laptop, tablet computer, mobile phone, can adapt to different size display Webpage is the trend now, even the future design trend for a long period of time. Then the response type Webpage is designed to solve the problem. Development of this particular can guarantee Webpage adapt to different resolution, let Webpage elements reorganization, so in terms of vertical tablet computer or mobile phone, can achieve the best visual effects.

Luxuries construction China UEO marketing type website (http://www.tlkjt.com/iueo/) this page as an example, in addition to the diversity of terminals, we can also see the computer screen, mobile phone screen is larger, while in the future life prediction, concept design, "screen" this product is applied to the new platform a variety of. For example Microsoft released "the future life concept video" in the kitchen, office, indoor walls, glass walls have become interactive platform. So we can find, in response to the type Webpage design has good adaptability and plasticity, will play a decisive role in the Webpage occupy position design in the future.

3.扁平化设计(Flat Design)

The flat design can be said to be the design aesthetics from simple to complex. Remove all decorative design, can be said to be respected by the prior quasi physical design subversion. We can not make improper comments say it is good or not, only that it provides a new design thinking. Whether the flat design will become the future trend we can not answer, although mixed, controversial, but for now it is a kind of tide current.

4.视差滚动设计(Parallax Design)

Can be said that the parallax design is a major breakthrough in recent years Webpage design, is the most respected. Parallax scrolling is to layer background rolling at different speeds, to form the motion performance of a 3D stereo, give us a unique visual experience.

In addition, the mouse wheel flow experience, let users have a sense of control in the viewing of this website, it is a simple response to the interactive experience. Just like the childhood to see the lantern, rotate it and you can see people move up, can enjoy the story. Parallax scrolling design interest also lies in this. So whether a site or electric commodity propaganda page often use parallax design, attract eyeball is welcomed by users.


There are a lot of website content, but they are not simple paging, but uses a vertical waterfall flow layout. The contents are vertically arranged, when the user vertical scrolling, will be regularly updated as the world without end. This waterfall flow very early before the beginning of the epidemic, the earliest the layout is pinterest. Scrolling a page that greatly reduces the paging number, personally think that for such a large amount of information, updated daily data fast website is a good program.


Using CSS to achieve the navigation bar is fixed on the top of Webpage (most are at the top, but the side or bottom), and the page content according to vertical or horizontal navigation order arrangement, the user clicks on the corresponding navigation tab pages automatically slide to the corresponding page, and click the content, navigation will be changed. Webpage design page will not jump like this, the content of the page for each tab to a display screen is basically complete, so in the page content will be limited. In order not to affect the general layout will also be accompanied by an adaptive.

Detection of rolling Webpage will pose a challenge -- to ensure the integrity of content presentation in the limited space to the designers, so designers in the layout under foot. And have different approaches but equally satisfactory results in this kind of website structure and parallax design, we found that many site will combine the two, bring us not the same visual experience and user experience.

7.网页的风格化设计(The style design of Webpage)

Now Webpage already no longer affected by many conditions and technical limitations. The presentation is quite rich. Fresh from the retro style of illustration, hand-painted to virtual design, Nothing is too strange. Both the layout format, or design elements, using the word to describe a school is new in order to be different. According to his left to the tip of the iceberg, mention to me the deepest feelings change:

(1)注重字体设计(Pay attention to the font design)

In recent years, many designers will design into the Webpage design, and as an important element of the design Webpage taste. By using the CSS3 designer can have many custom font, this to the visual design Webpage also adds an important design ideas.

(2)丰富灵活的动画(The flexible animation)

Wide application of Html5 and flash, let the interactive animation Webpage become more lively and interesting.

By observing how these trends affect the modern web design, may Webpage designers bring new ideas to guide, divergence.

(3)平面设计感的加强(Strengthen the sense of graphic design)

Webpage design with the equipment and technology innovation, has already exceeded the past single frame's limit, to become more flexible. So the page style more and more close to the plane design, many design very Fu posters and magazine format. Fashionable and full of impact.

Although designers and developers need and the market and keep up with the trend of the footsteps, but the trend is present, the future is unknown. We really need to ensure they do not be industry trends thrown to the rear, but more important is to adapt to the tide and learning.





